By 1990, SJSA’s building was complete and Steel Unlimited II created. This band had 60 island performances yearly, and month-long tours in Denmark, Germany, and New York, and later in France and Switzerland. With our beautiful facility completed, workshops in women’s self defense, Isadora Duncan movement, an introduction to yoga and an Orff workshop for 18 teachers from surrounding islands were offered within the first year and “Steel Unlimited II” continued touring Europe and the US. As the years progressed the school adopted modern dance; ballet; tap; ballroom dance; strings; brass and woodwinds into the curriculum. Later creative movement, steel band, and art were added to the in-school programs.
By 1998, Mr. Wells continued to teach steel pan in programs like the Beacon after school program, in-school program for high school students at Coral Bay School (now Gifft Hill School) as well as outreach programs to students in Bucharest, Romania and Rome, NY. Additional in-school programs in dance, recorder and art were extended to St. John Christian Academy (SJCA) and Julius E. Sprauve School (JESS). Collaborating with Arts Alive and Tortola, SJSA established an annual concert series, bringing in professional, high caliber musicians, ranging from classical to blues.